EmSella chair

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine. This might be a result of weak pelvic floor muscles since pelvic floor muscles play an important role in supporting pelvic organs and controlling continence.

There are three different types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress incontinence: is when there is exerted pressure on the bladder causing leakage. This can be caused by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising.
  • Urge: is the sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently.
  • Mixed incontinence: is a combination of both stress and urge incontinence.
pelvic organs
and pelvic floor muscles in men (left) and women (right).

Physiological changes can contribute to the development of urinary incontinence; changes such as vaginal delivery, menopause, and aging can decondition pelvic floor muscles. In order to improve symptoms, it is important to strengthen these muscles. Possible ways to improve your condition may include lifestyle changes and Kegel exercises.


BTL EMSELLA is the HIFEM® procedure, that utilizes electromagnetic energy, at a high frequency, to cause pelvic floor muscle stimulation completely non-invasively. Similar to the contractions you perform when doing a Kegel exercise. What makes this treatment effective is the in-depth penetration and stimulation of the entire pelvic floor area. A single session brings you thousands of intense contractions that you would not be able to do on your own. These contractions are very helpful when it comes to muscle strengthening and re-education.


During BTL EMSELLA treatment you will be completely clothed yet, we recommended loosely fitted clothing to help achieve best positioning during treatment. When the treatment starts you will feel slight tingling and vibrations in your pelvic floor muscles that will then turn into full contractions. This will be completely comfortable and tolerable. If not, please let your healthcare provider know and they will adjust accordingly. Take this 28-minute session to relax, read a magazine, or watch television. You will be able to return to normal activities after the treatment.

  • Pelvic floor: The bowl-shaped muscles in the pelvic area that support pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder and rectum.
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels): Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor. Regular exercising of the pelvic floor muscles can improve or prevent urinary leakage.
  • Bladder training: Behavior therapy that helps you wait longer between bathroom trips so that you can go to the bathroom when it is convenient for you rather than the sudden urge.


BTL EMSELLA is a great option for women of any age who desire a non-invasive solution for urinary incontinence and improvement in their quality of life. Due to factors such as the body’s normal aging, childbirth or menopause, the pelvic floor muscles decondition and insufficiently support the pelvic organs. These factors directly correlate with urinary incontinence.



According to NAFC, over 200 million people worldwide are affected by incontinence. Are you one of them? Take a quick test!

  1. Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze or engage in sports activities?
  2. Do you need to go to the bathroom often?
  3. Have you refrained from intimate life in the last months out of fear of insecurity?

If you answered “yes”, you are probably suffering from urinary incontinence. BTL EMSELLA is the first device of its kind and is FDA-cleared for treating urinary incontinence in women.


BTL EMSELLA uses electromagnetic energy to cause deep pelvic floor muscle stimulation without getting undressed! A single BTL EMSELLA session brings thousands of Kegel-like contractions which help you train your muscles without any effort. Scientific research shows that 95% of treated patients have reported significant improvement in their quality of life.


  • A non-invasive procedure with no recovery time.
  • Remain fully clothed during treatment.
  • Restores bladder and pelvic muscle control without time-consuming exercises.
  • A comfortable procedure that lets you relax during the 28-minute treatment.
  • You may observe improvement after a single session. Results will typically continue improving over the next few weeks.
  • Results after about six sessions, scheduled twice a week.
  • Patients have reported a significant pad reduction.**


I don’t know how it works… but it does. I don’t have dribbles anymore and when you are out in public I can make it to the bathroom without dribbles If that’s what you wanna call it.

Patient testimonial #1

I sneeze, I can jump rope, I run… I can just do all kinds of exercise and competitions and I can now do them with a lot more confidence than I could before It’s… freeing, very freeing,
to be able to just do what you want to do again.

Patient testimonial #2

Before, I was getting up 4 – 5 times a night to go to a bathroom. It seems like it’s still improving. Even in past few weeks some nights I have not had to get up at all. And It’s awesome.

Patient testimonial #3

What it does is it kind of takes the place of doing Kegels, for which a lot of people don’t have the
time or the energy … It’s just weird and it’s very uncomfortable to try to do them … and the chair does it for you and it works miracles. it´s wonderful!

Patient testimonial #4